
The Republican Party of San Diego County’s 2024 Lincoln Reagan Dinner will take place on Saturday, June 22, and is one of the largest Republican Dinners in America, bringing together more than 900 business and political leaders from across California.

It is THE do-not-miss event of the year for top elected officials, candidates, companies, business leaders, and affiliated groups. Every key leader in one room – at one time.

This year’s Dinner will be held at the Marriott Marquis in Downtown San Diego, featuring our annual awards ceremony, a keynote address by a special guest, and a fantastic Cigars & Cocktails After-Party with entertainment by San Diego’s own Roman Palacios. 

The Republican Party of San Diego County raises and spends $2-4M each cycle in support of its endorsed candidates, is considered “The Gold Standard,” and USA Today called us “one of the best-organized and active local Republican Parties…”

The Lincoln Reagan Dinner is an opportunity for every major Republican elected official, business leader, and affiliated group to “raise their flag” with a table sponsorship and show support for our local TEAM.

Looking around the room that evening will be a powerful display of everyone who is stepping up to be part of TEAM FREEDOM.

Please let us know if you are interested in purchasing tickets or sponsoring a table.

The Lincoln Reagan Dinner will likely sell out, so consider sponsoring a table or hosting a table. Sponsoring a table means you pay for the table and invite your friends, while “hosting” a table means you take point on a $3,000 Silver table of 8 to gather 8 individuals to each kick in $375, which they can pay for individually. As a sponsor or host, you get to name the table and will be listed as such during the Dinner.

If you have any questions about sponsorship or hosting, contact Jordan Gascon, Executive Director, at 619-300-3067 or via email at Jerry@sandiegorepublicans.org.

Check the FAQ for more info. Step up as a sponsor or purchase inquire about individual tickets.

This event WILL sell out.

Have Questions? Explore Our FAQ


Past guests include Governors Kristi Noem, Matt Bevin, Pete Ricketts, Susana Martinez & Luis Fortuno, and Senators James Lankford, Ted Cruz, Tim Scott, Rand Paul, & Mike Lee.

Video recaps of Lincoln Reagan Dinners put on by the Republican Party of San Diego County throughout the years. The Lincoln-Reagan Dinner is a first-class, marquee event not to be missed. One of the largest Republican Dinners outside of Washington, D.C.

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